Orthodontic clear aligner


At Zenta Laboratory, we are at the forefront of orthodontic innovation, offering a revolutionary aligner system that empowers dentists to deliver exceptional patient care. Our orthodontic aligner/model is meticulously crafted using cutting-edge technology, ensuring precise tooth movement and optimal treatment outcomes.



  • Unparalleled Precision and Accuracy:

    We use cutting-edge 3D scanning and modeling techniques to generate high-fidelity digital replicas of patients’ teeth and jawbone structures. This precision translates into perfectly fitting aligner designs, ensuring targeted tooth movement and minimizing discomfort.

    Premium Materials:

    Our aligners/models are crafted from biocompatible, high-grade materials that prioritize patient safety and comfort. This durable material withstands strong chewing forces, ensuring long-lasting treatment efficacy.

    Customized Designs:

    Each aligner/model is meticulously tailored to the individual patient’s unique needs and treatment requirements. This customization guarantees a snug fit and generates precise tooth movement forces, leading to optimal treatment outcomes.

    Efficient Treatment Process:

    Our aligners/models empower dentists to achieve efficient and accurate tooth movement, streamlining treatment timelines and delivering rapid results.

    Patient Comfort:

    Designed with patient comfort in mind, our aligners/models feature a soft, flexible material and a snug fit that minimizes irritation and discomfort, allowing patients to wear them for extended periods without hassle.

    High Aesthetics:

    Our nearly invisible aligners/models promote patient confidence throughout the treatment journey.